Say Goodbye to Upper Arm Pain from Pickleball with These Expert Tips

Upper Arm Pain


If you’re a pickleball player, you know how hard it can be to get into the game. When I first started playing, I was frustrated with my upper arm pain, which made me wonder how many other players were facing similar challenges? Thankfully, there are ways to prevent and even eliminate this injury. In this post, we’ll discuss how to manage your upper arm pain from playing pickleball and how to use simple strategies to keep yourself healthy for years to come!

Understanding the causes of upper arm pain from pickleball

Understanding the causes of upper arm pain from pickleball is the first step in finding effective solutions. The most common causes of upper arm pain in pickleball players include overuse, improper form and technique, and lack of stretching and warming up.

1- Overuse is the number one cause of upper arm pain in pickleball.

    Overuse is the number one cause of upper arm pain in pickleball. The problem with overuse is that it can be caused by playing too much, too often or too intensely.

    In addition to being a frequent symptom of an injury, overuse can also be caused by playing with improper form. If you aren’t using your muscles properly during a game or practice session, then they will get tired and fatigued—and this may lead to inflammation and swelling in your joints (such as those around your elbow).

    2- Improper form is another top cause of upper arm pain in pickleball.

    Improper form can be caused by an injury or other illness, but it can also be due to a lack of practice time. If you’re new to pickleball and haven’t played regularly for a while, your body may have forgotten how to do the movements correctly. In this case, improving your technique will help keep the pain away from your arms and hands. To get started on improving your form:

    • Warm up thoroughly before each game or practice session by stretching and doing some light cardio exercises (like jogging). This will give you more energy for when you need it most!

    Check out Our Ultimate Pickleball Warm Up exercises

    • Take breaks during games—you don’t want stress or fatigue getting in the way of playing well! If possible, take short walks around the court between points or sets; if not possible then make sure there’s enough room between opponents so there isn’t much chance someone will hit something off-target onto themselves/other players nearby.”

    3- Lack of stretching and strength training can lead to upper arm pain as well.

    Stretching is an important part of your routine, especially if you’re playing pickleball. When it comes to upper arm pain from pickleball, lack of stretching can lead to injury or injury recovery.

    • Before Your Game:
    • Stretch your arms and back muscles by reaching up with both hands and then bending at the waist as far as possible. Repeat this stretch five times for each joint (arm, shoulder and back). You can also try sitting down on one leg with the other leg stretched out in front of you; then reach down toward that foot until you feel tension in your thigh—this will help stretch out any tightness in your legs before they go into action!
    • After Your Game:
    • Do 5-10 minutes’ worth of stretching exercises using small movements like bending over slowly while holding onto something steady like a wall or door handle; walk around until feeling comfortable again before heading home.*

    4- Serving too hard can also lead to upper arm pain.

    Serving too hard can also lead to upper arm pain. If you’re serving and your elbow is bent, this will increase the stress on your shoulder and make it harder for you to hit the ball. You should keep your elbow straight when serving—not in or out of bounds—and focus on keeping your wrist loose as well.

    Don’t just throw the ball! Use your wrist instead of throwing it with force; this way, there won’t be any harm done if something goes wrong with either one (like an errant serve).

    5- Poor technique can also lead to upper arm pain in pickleball.

    Poor technique can also lead to upper arm pain in pickleball. Poor technique is caused by a variety of factors, but there are some simple exercises that can help you fix your game.

    • Wrist/forearm flexibility: Improving wrist and forearm flexibility will help alleviate pressure on your arms during play and reduce chances of injury when playing pickleball.
    • Arm length: Your arm length affects how much force you need for picking up the ball or returning it after hitting it (and vice versa). A shorter arm length means that you have less control over this movement—so if you’re short-armed, work on building up some muscle mass in your biceps and triceps so they don’t get pulled out of position during play!

    Prevention and treatment

    Preventing upper arm pain from pickleball is crucial for any player looking to improve their game and avoid common pickleball injuries. Proper form and technique are key factors in avoiding upper arm pain, so it’s important to take the time to learn and practice the correct way to hold and swing the paddle. Stretching and warming up before playing can also help prevent upper arm pain from pickleball. In addition, balancing your training routine by including rest and recovery days is essential in preventing upper arm pain from pickleball. If you are experiencing pain in your upper arms, it’s important to see a doctor or physical therapist as soon as possible. Treatment for upper arm pain from pickleball may include icing the area for 20 minutes at a time, taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs and rest. If the pain does not improve with these treatments, your doctor may recommend further treatment.


    In conclusion, upper arm pain from pickleball is a common injury that can be prevented and treated with the right approach. By focusing on proper form and technique, warming up and stretching, and balancing your training routine, players can greatly reduce their risk of upper arm pain from pickleball. Rest, recovery, physical therapy and exercises and stretches can be effective in treating upper arm pain. It’s important to address upper arm pain as soon as it occurs and to seek professional help if needed.

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